What an interesting question. I've been married three times and with my first husband, I wouldn't have wanted to be married to me. I was a wreck. I had no self esteem, I was beaten down, emotionally battered and I didn't fight back, not until the very end.

My second marriage was a mistake from the day I said "yes". My maid of honor tried to talk me out of the wedding, but I felt obligated after all the plans we made. It wasn't a great way to start a marriage. And, I take responsibility for getting myself into that situation and getting myself out. So, I wouldn't want to have been married to me then.

Now. My last marriage (um, my current one?) Anyway, this marriage, I'm a totally different person. I'm strong, emotionally and mentally. I love my husband desparately. He's my sun, moon, and stars. But, I wasn't always so strong. We worked at it. He helped me build up my self esteem. It's a true working relationship. He gives me the confidence to disagree with him some times when we're discussing certain subjects. He was there when I was diagnosed with Bipolar and he stood by me during all the medication challenges. I wasn't always the most happiest person during that time. I didn't make a very good spouse.
So, I guess I'm talking myself out of being married to me in the beginning, but now? Yes, I think I make a great spouse. I'm giving, caring, appreciative, supporting, tolerant and loving.
"What you believe yourself to be, you are."
Claude M. Bristol
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