chatty and orchid, you make some very good points. You are absolutely right that this generation needs to do what is best for them. Thanks for putting a different spin on this. It's NOT about us. They're the ones getting married.

We have a family wedding coming up and the couple getting married is having steamed crabs, corn on the cob, salad. etc. as their food at the reception. It's waht they want and I think it's awesome.

The guys are talking about wearing green chucks, you know, the Converse high tops? I think it would be fine. They are wearing tuxes with green cumberbuns (is that how you spell that word?) and the shoes would match. What a hoot. I'll let you know if they do it. This couple is precious. They've known one another for 14 years!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.