Here's an update Ladies! The shower was yesterday. I can breathe a sigh of relief....for a while at least..It turned out to be very nice - got alot of compliments on the decor and the food etc. There were so many gifts that it took all the personalization out of it. It was like an assembly line. After hours of primping packages so they were the right colors and had beautiful bows, my dtr never even saw them. The girls unwrapped and de-bowed the packages then sent them on down the line to the bride and broken ribbons! She got tons of doubles and some very nice things and some not so nice - in my opinion. They will have tons to return. Her future MIL did not say one word to me all day. She did not come over to our side of the room at all. I did go to their side to thank people for coming and to introduce my self to those I did not know. I felt that was only proper. Her dtr (grooms sister)is the bridesmaid from HE**!! She did things I asked her not to do. She insisted on really dumb games and clanging of the glasses. I tried to move things along to get them going with the gifts. I got a - don't worry Mom it will be fine. OK then.
I am glad it is over. I enjoyed the day because my friends and family were there. But I do not like who/what my dtr has become. I do not know her anymore. She is so involved in material things and everything is for show. This is NOT what I taught her. It is sad. And I hope that someday she will come back to us and I pray its not because her life is a mess. That is what I fear for her.
There was an issue that I will not go into detail over, but it involved grooms sister and my younger dtr who is the maid of honor. She made my dtr cry and was extrememly rude to her. I am wondering how the bride is going to handle this one. Will she allow this self-centered little witch (sorry - I am not being very nice here, just can't help it when it comes to my cubs!!)to come between her and her sister? hmmmm this ought to be interesting!
Oh then there was the the moment when the bride opened one of my packages - a penoir set. This is something that is a tradition in my family from mother to dtr. Well guess what - not 5 minutes later - she opens a penoir set from HIS mother. I was not happy that she did that. What do you all think of that? Is it improper for the grooms mother to give such a gift?