I just found your saga this morning, Cathy, and read it from beginning to the current post. If only kids would take advantage of the wisdom of their elders! And I know from experience, because my parents were less than thrilled with my choice for a husband and expressed that (and I didn't listen!)...but stuck by me through the years. They were there to support me when everything fell apart, years later. And they never said, "We told you so!", which was a gift, in itself.

Soooo, I guess I'll just echo everyone else - the most important thing is that even though she may know you're not 100% pleased with her choice (understatement of the century!), you'll stand by her, through thick and thin.

I'm not sure if you mentioned the wedding date - maybe I overlooked it somehow. I wish you and your daughter the best...I hope things change for the better.