Things are not going well at all. I wrote last night, but it does not seem to be here. I am very depressed and can't seem to understand all this. Had a chat with my daughter yesterday. I just feel that what we molded into a beautiful, intelligent young woman, this man has taken away in less than 7 months. Everything that we have done to teach her right from wrong seems to have disappeared. I asked her how she felt about some of the things that were said on that ugly night a couple weeks ago. She is sticking with him. Here is one example that just blows my mind. Maybe mine is a simple mind. But I feel something is not right. I asked her how she felt when he wanted to know how much he could expect from OUR people - meaning the guests we invite. She told me that they have to "be smart" about it. I asked, so does this mean that my friends, Mr & Mrs T, who you have grown up with their children and known all your life, you will not invite because they cannot give you a huge gift? She told me that if it was down to the wire between 2 couples, then they would go with the one that would give more. I wanted to vomit!!!!! This is NOT the daughter I raised.....I am just sick about all this. I just cannot even imagine how this wedding is going to turn out. I cannot even imagine my husband toasting to this couple. I just can't imagine anything good right now.
We also talked about a few other things. One of which this guy thinks that he can talk someone into a deal all the time. I tried to explain to her that if it were my business and someone tried to talk down my price, I would tell them to take their business elsewhere. This guy thinks that everyone should cater to him and his whims. I really am wishing that they NEVER met, NEVER got engaged. OH - by the way - you will NEVER guess where these two a bible study!!!!!! Go figure. I just keep praying that God will show me the good in this, cuz I just don't see it.

Thanks for letting me vent!