My daughter did say a few things, but when it got heated, she did not say alot. I think she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She said some things, she and I ironed out some things. There was definitely a lack of communication between us that I will not allow to happen again. When I get the opportunity, I will speak with her alone.I am more concerned for her than anything right now. I do not want her to end up in a hospital bed. She was in tears, as was I. But she has told me he is her soulmate, that they share everything.Hubby thinks she should have put her foot down when he started to disrespect us. But I think she is just caught in the middle right now and cannot see the forest thru the trees.
As for him - to answer a few questions. He is first-born generation in the US. He is Italian. I have heard about European men and how charming they are UNTIL they marry and then they change into controlling jerks. I pray for her sake this does not happen. She tells me they talk about everything. But I am not there, so I do not know. We are still in shock I think over this whole mess. We have always loved this guy and welcomed him into our family. He is also 30 years old and there is no excuse whatsoever to act as he did.
One more comment - I was trying to imagine my husband going to MY father before we were married and acting like this kid did. I think My Dad would have tossed him out of his house.
Thanks everyone for your comments. It makes me feel that I am not alone in my thinking. I have no idea what is going to happen, but I keep praying about it.