
Its just that I am such a sap for my friends and truly love them and want to do so many things for them, its hard when I realize they don't necessarily feel the same way about me....

Chatty, I missed this way back in October, but boy can I identifity with what you say. While I admit to being very busy and living this very haphazard life where I don't know from one day to the next where I'll be (I'm living part-time at my brother's and am feeling quite displaced at home lately), I do find time to send out emails and even went to great lengths to send some special momentos to my best friend for a special occasion she was celebrating. Very few of my emails get answered, and all I heard back from my girlfriend was that the box had arrived. It's disheartening. And I know I'm venting here. It just seems that I'm pouring myself out for family and friends, but nobody's pouring back into me...except hubby when he's around, which he hasn't been lately. It's getting mighty lonesome. Sorry for the wee pity party. Take a deep breath. There. Shopping makes me feel better (except when the bills come in!) Maybe I should go shopping for something besides my brother's groceries.

Edited by Eagle Heart (11/12/06 03:34 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)