Aging has done one very negative thing to me (just one?) I use to be tough as nails but now I seem to wear my feeings like as hat. The slightest wind blows it off and my feelings get terribly hurt. I am fighting this and know it is not a positive thing and that I should learn to ignore being slighted or insulted, but the older I get the harder it becomes. I never ever use to cry; but now cry about everything, good and bad things. Saw a bird with as injured wing while in the drive thru line at a Jack In The Box yesterday, already had hurt feelings and was feeding myself comfort food, (bad girl.) It was making the most awful noise. I started to cry out of the blue, so when my junk food came, I parked the car and went and caught the bird, put it into my cat carrier in the trunk and took it to the small animal vet, it was screeching the whole time. Left it there and he said he would do his best to fix it up. On the way home I saw two homeless guys on the side of the road and gave them the food I bought. Sat at the computer and literally bitched a fit to my best pal on line and she promptly put me straight. So today I feel much better, not happy but better. Thinner too, no juke food passed my lips.
Oh and the blackbird will be fine and released when completely healed. I do believe age tends to bring out the emotion in us, it has in me anyway.

Edited by chatty lady (10/23/06 12:03 AM)
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