Dotsie, it's still too soon to declare his diabetes permanently gone, but we're delighted with even this reprieve right now - and YES, I believe it's answered prayer, along with his shrinking lymph nodes.

We did just find out that his diagnosis is confirmed as stage 4B lymphoma, which is what I had suspected based on my research (because it affected his liver and pancreas). But my brother thought he was only 3B, so was quite disheartened when he found out it was actually 4B. He was down for a few days, but seems to be regaining morale and a little more energy than he's had in weeks.

He's taking his 5th chemo on Thursday. I definitely see answered prayers all around me these days. It's what keeps me going.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)