I too miss being acountable to only myself. But, I've found getting up a half hour early to indulge myself with a nice bubble bath before work makes my 'Grind Day" go better. IT's easier to pamper others wishes if you've taken care of yourself first. LOL To, being 'scheduled' somewhat helps me to not get to high on my self appointed pedestal. I do admire you for giving up a 10 year military career for your family. I really didn't give up any "career", I simply dived head frist into the one I always dreamed of. Wife/mother/adult daughterhood fully devoted to being the best at all 3 at one time + being a background force in making a living for our family. I'm just now learning to be a grownup woman who CAN focus on herself as much as her family.
I actually put on night cream now instead of funny faces while reading bedtime stories.
Q~Ball aka Q~Ball101