You know I didn't have a hard time when we moved my son away for college. I worked very hard not be positive and not clingy with him. I packed up some of my dishes and towels, etc so he would have plenty, I emptied my pantry and freezer so he would go hungry while he got situated.

But I admit that with each passing month it grows harder. I don't know if its because I was dealing with all the other issues of divorce etc when my son moved and so I am just now dealing with the 'empty nest'. But it just keeps getting harder.

He doesn't call just to talk anymore. I may call and leave several messages before he calls me back. Where once he would share what was going on in his life he shares less and less. I feel like each conversation is like pulling teeth and I get off the phone feeling very empty and frustrated. Our relationship should be blossoming on a whole new level yet I fear it's actually dying a slow and painful death. I try to keep my calls upbeat and light and I haven't asked/manipulated him with come home and fix this, etc. And I've noticed when he comes to see me, he always has someone on tow--almost like he needs a buffer--am I crazy?

Am I wrong, is this how anyone else feels? My secret fear is that my ex-husband so damaged us through the years that I will also loose my only child because of him.

Please insight anyone.....
starting over

How we handle change determines our Destiny. P. Trapp