When I work with people in relationships I often see frustration with partners who can't meet another person's need for one thing or another. Whether the relationship can survive depends on how important that need is and if it can be safely met outside the relationship. Each of us is along a path towards spiritual growth. It's a continuum. If we can love the other person for where he/she is and get our needs met, more growth will occur. If we can't, it's another problem.

My ex- is an alcoholic, smokes and is way over weight. Needless to say, our sex life went down the tubes. I happen to need sex in my life. Well, you can see where that all goes.

My current husband is a sweety, but not much of a striver. He works hard, but isn't the entrepreneur I am. Sometimes it's frustrating. He also doesn't talk about spiritually very much and there's some definite emotional walls. Fortunately, there's so much good going on, that I can love him as he is and get those needs met elsewhere -- safely.


PS: Dotsie, after 20+ years in the tech world, I know this stuff happens. At UPS we lost our whole tracking system one time because someone forgot to change a line of code. That brought a lot of heat until we fixed it!
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Supporting women business owners to step into their power as business leaders.