...I'm not an exerciser. Used to be years ago, but stopped. Lazy butt here.

However, I know I must, so picture this...(Now don't ya'll laugh)...

One woman; five leash-less dogs walking out in the scrub-laden desert.

The woman: Sporting the latest of desert/farm life attire. WEll-worn leather clogs (no socks); baggy shorts that could fall off (but who cares, no one's around!); tee-shirt (no bra, but no body's lookin' ); straw hat; two cans of kernel corn for the ol' arm exercises.

Five dogs; one boy Aussie, two other girl Aussies, two blue heelers.

Here we go...

Woman walking/marching to exercise her legs. Arms waving with two cans of corn (corny, I know! )

Dogs: Bonnie the heeler AT my heels (low girl on the totem pole here )) Boy dog, Farmer, utilizing his testosterone to it's fullest potential, however, he is the baby!)

Amber, elder of the bunch, meandering along

Cocoa, other heeler...sprinting w/Farmer.

Princess Munchkin (aka Munchie) lolly-gags around since she IS, after all, THE princess!!

Momma (me) yells "let's go home"!!! Everyone about faces and heads back but.....

Bonnie gets yelled at by Farmer (alpha vs low girl) What an ordeal!

Eventually we are all back home with Farmer and Munchie swimming in their doggy pond (formerly DH's fish pond)

Moral: Don't judge a woman by her dogs!!

(Gosh, I hope that low-flying helicopter was not ABC news with Brian Williams doing a story about the beauty of the desert Southwest!!)