Okay, my husband thinks I'm nuts, but I do some kind of off the wall things every once in a while. Yesterday I was waiting at the grocery store deli for some hot chicken, and two teenage boys were down at the bakery counter asking for a free cookie. (They give free samples)

The boys were dressed like ragged little skateboarders, but they were being very polite. The bakery lady was giving them a hard time, saying they weren't shoppers so they couldn't have a cookie.

So I got my chicken and strolled over to the bakery. I came up behind the two boys, put my hand on the shoulder of one, and said "Are you guys done getting your cookies yet?"

The boys managed to contain their shock, and the bakery lady got all flustered because their "mom" really was in
the store. She handed them the cookies, they both said "Thanks mom!" and I told them they better meet me out front when I was done shopping. Off they went, and off I went, and I never saw them again.

I thought it was kind of fun, and I'm sure the boys won't forget it any time soon. Anyone else do nutty things like this every once in a while?
