Thank you ladies. Dotsie is right, you would've never guessed Richard to be a heart patient. We were very shocked when he was first diagnosed. The Dr. said his arteries looked like a 20 year old. But the valve is the problem and the A-fibs.

I know this sounds lame, but I am still working on getting my disability. My dad took well to the chemotherapy the first few days. Yesterday he took a turn downhill and today my mom broke down. This lead to me having an anxiety attack today at work. So I called my therapist and he told me to go home and take the rest of the week off and go visit my parents. He'll document for me that I needed the time off to recover.

If I resign now, I will not get the disability, and I have that benefit and have been paying into the insurance. I am going to need the money to pay for taking my trips back and forth to help my parents. It shouldn't take long for me to get it.

For now, I probably will not be able to come online as much as before. But I will check periodically because you all mean so much to me.

I love you all alot!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!