Hi all,

I am trying really hard not to disappear again. Well, Richard had his catheterization yesterday and now they can say, for sure, that his leakage is mild and he does not need open heart surgery. I am so relieved.

My dad had his first Chemotherapy today and it pains me not to be there. He called me afterwards and told me that he was feeling fine and he explained to me the procudure. He was there for 8 hours, poor guy. I don't know if I told you what they finally said. He now has been told that his cancer is stage 4. He is going to have chemotherapy once every 3 weeks.

I have an aunt who is an anethestist(SP) nurse at Duke University and she finally talked my dad into getting another opinion at Duke. He has an appointment on Aug 17. He has been going to Walter Reed.

In the meantime, and because of my bi-polar, I have been advised by my councelor to apply for disability. I am seeking a second opinion tomorrow. You see, at my work place, they will not give me a leave of absence because, they view this as "going to lend support". Well, I view this as "I don't want to be robbed of any time I have left with my dad". In the meantime, my dad is like don't do anything that will jeopardize your job. I feel so bad because my mom doesn't drive and my brother has been doing all the work. Eventually, he is going to need some relief.

Anyway, just thought I would give you an update and let you know that I feel your prayers. I am not sure if I am going to be able to post much for awhile, but I will try to. I know emphatically, that it has cheered me up to read the posts.

Love and Cheers,