Not sure this goes in this forum, but have to share that it's so important to keep those gutters and down spouts working.

As I speak, there are men here cleaning and reattaching those darn gutters...AND there are men in the basement cleaning out the mold from the water that came in since the gutters weren't working.

We had inches of rain a couple weeks ago and our basement got wet. This is NO FUN.

Here's where the problem began. We had a man and his crew clean our gutters on a regular basis. Once, after they left, we noticed many broken slates on our roof. The gutter man denied that his guy walked on our roof so they wouldn't pay to have all the slates replaced. We payed and never allowed them back.

But, life became full and so did the gutters. We hadn't had them cleaned in ages. The rain came. The rain came in our basement. And now we are paying for it big time!

Keep your gutters clean!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.