I just returned from a speaking gig and wanted to share something with you. Consider this a "heads up" and if this helps, great. If not, then no harm done.

I knew in advance I'd have a podium and sound system which was great. However, what they failed to tell me, and I wasn't savvy enough to know, is that they turn on "colored" lights once their speakers begin. This means if you are standing in the wrong spot, commonly referred to as "The Dead Zone," you will NOT be able to see your cards or notes laying/hidden on the podium.

I was fortunate in that I had practice this particular speech enough that I could get through it without having to apologize or stumble around. Plus I ad lib a lot, much to my Mother's dismay! LOL!

I must have done okay because I got another gig out of it, but it could have been a disaster!

But let me tell you, when I looked down and realized that my "cheat sheets" or cards (5x7) were not readable, hazy at best, I sooo wanted to panic. No, I wanted to "pit up" as my boys use to say. But there was no where to go but onward.

Lesson learned. ALL SPEECHES SHOULD BE MEMORIZED AND PRACTICED TO DEATH. Just in case. What if I hadn't? I shudder to think....

The most important lesson I learned FOR ME was that ANY group I speak to deserves the very best I can offer I will practice more often in the future for this reason, if for no other.

Just wanted to share!