Thank you Songbird. Your (God's) words are comforting to me, who believes them and takes them to heart. My brother isn't as spiritually "there" yet, and can't quite handle "God-talk", so I have to keep these hopeful signs and words to myself, although I try to convey them in other ways, through actions and other words that don't quite include God's name (I'm getting very creative in that regard). I think my brother knows where I'm coming from and doesn't mind, as long as I don't fling God into his face right now. But knowing what comfort and strength God does give to ME, it's really hard to watch a loved one struggle through these rough days without that loving strength and companionship to lean against. But then, maybe this (the journey into God) is part of his cancer journey as well...

Edited by Eagle Heart (08/18/06 01:55 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)