Thank you Songbird. I know that you're going through a time of grief as well; your prayers mean a lot to me.

That song continues to companion me. Whenever I get down and afraid, I hear Him saying to my heart: "When this trouble passes over, you and I will walk away knowing that our love me, this is Love".

Last night, driving home from having supper with our granddaughter, there was a gorgeous bright orange sunset splashed all along the entire western horizon - my favourite kind of sunset. And there in the middle of nowhere across the darkening sky was a beautiful rainbow! Where did it come from??? It was too dark for a rainbow, and it hadn't rained, so it was totally unexpected. I took as a Gift - a reminder of God's promise of faithfulness to His people...that He would never leave me alone to face this darkness.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)