Just a quick update, from northern Quebec. We`ve been here a week, and are leaving tomorrow for Quebec City. Then back to Ottawa on Sunday or Monday. It`s been a very peaceful week here, full of family - and amazing food (my SIL is an awesome cook!). The funeral for my other SIL was yesterday. The church was packed, and hubby really enjoyed meeting so many people from his childhood days.

I`ve been talking with my brother every evening. He`s starting his first chemo treatment next week, and will be going for chemo every 2 weeks for the next 7 months. It`s going to be a long road, but we`re staying positive. We`ve heard from a lot of people with Hodgkin`s disease who not only survived but are still thriving decades later. So we`re very hopeful. Some have even told Gary that they had very little reaction to the chemo. Everyone reacts differently, but every positive thought gives him more encouragement to face this ordeal. He`s already thinking he will see what the chemo does by way of side effects and may decide to go back to work in a couple of months, taking just the time he needs after each treatment.

Thank you all for carrying us both in your hearts and prayers. We feel your care. This past week has actually been very restful for hubby in particular. I`m a few pounds heavier (oh, but it was worth it!), but hope to shed those fairly quickly when we get back into the fray of our day-to-day lives! Thanks again!

"See" you in a few days!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)