Thank you for asking Nancy. He's not doing very well. And neither am I. He's very weak and it's very frightening to watch him getting weaker. They did a biopsy yesterday and are doing another scope-type test tomorrow. They're looking at a possible diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease.

Me? Very, very scared. He's only 42 years old. I can't bear the thought of losing him. I keep entrusting him to God, but that doesn't take that occasional breathtaking agony of gut-fear away. I just have to hold on until the official diagnosis comes in.

Thank you for holding me/us in your prayers. We still need that he's getting the medical care he so desperately needed, can we pray for a miracle? That this will be something that's relatively easy to fix? Or at least that it's something fixable? God me to trust Him.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)