Thank you everyone - your caring makes such a difference!

My brother was admitted to hospital - they found swelling of his pancreas and want to investigate further. He's happy to be there - finally - it's been a very long and frustrating road for him to find a doctor who would look beyond his diabetes and actually find the underlying problem to his recent misery! I believe that that's a direct result of your prayers - that he finally got a doctor who CARES enough to search for the problem.

He sounds very lonely, so I'm off to spend the day with him...hubby's got the car, so it will be a long trip/day getting there. I don't know when I'll get online again. Thanks again for carrying my beloved brother in your means so much to me!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)