This is an EXCELLENT opportunity for media coverage for your new business. This will be a feature article with photos and more!

A national financial magazine is looking for someone who "retired"
from a comfortable job to pursue work they'd always dreamed of doing
but were too afraid to try. While the person may be happy in this new
stage of life, they may also be experiencing unexpected emotional or
financial difficulties.

The magazine will bring in experts to address some of those problems,
particularly the financial challenges. The subject of this feature
article will meet with a financial planner to review their money
matters in some depth. For this reason, a fair amount of financial
disclosure will be required.

The services of the financial advisor are at no cost to the profilee.
A good reason to volunteer for the article. Even better, the subject
will have the satisfaction of knowing that they've inspired possibly
millions of readers to finally summon up the courage to stop doing
what they didn't like and start doing what they've always wanted to

If you are interested, please email your name, phone number and the
best time to talk to: and I will put you in touch with the contact.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.