You girls are just so darn percious. You have me in tears.

Thank you for speaking words of blessing and faith over my life (and my children)....believe it or not, such encouraging words have given me a vision for my future.

I'm with you Dots about wishing away the time -- I'm trying NOT to do that, but looking forward also to throwing a "new beginings party" at my new home. MY home, which will be filled with MY fathers' spirit!

Knowing the three of you, as I do...haven't there been times in your life when you've just said to God, "ahem, Lord, I know trials brings about character...but, um...I think I have ENOUGH character already"!!! LOL

I do know that I have an even newer level of compassion for people - more deapth, I suppose.

My heart breaks for the mountain man, litterally. He is an empty, broken, bankrupt shell......I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to walk in his shoes for one day. Believe it or not, I think I've forgiven him (right from the begining, if that is possible)...I believe one of my gifts is "grace"....I don't hold grudges, I don't think badly of people (even when they deserve it). I pray that God would bring him to a place of surrender, and that he would rebuild his life with GOD at the center - and that he would be healed and totally restored. I have no personal vision to have him in my life - but I am totally available to whatever God has for me down the line!

Well Chatty, JJ, and DOTS...thanks for the extra prayers..and encouragement....I'm going to take a look at other forums and see if there is somewhere else for me to post!

hugs, hugs, and more hugs,

I thank God for the deep connection and relationship that he has given me in friends like you all. For me, life is all about loving, giving, connecting.
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