Thanks everyone. I was definitely not expecting a birthday cake, what with everything going on around here! Thanks Chick!!! I especially love that eagle! Very cool and thoughtful!!!

Lola, I have many major senior moments fact, I have so many that sometimes it seems as if they just blend into one big blurry major senior moment! There are a lot of things that I forget to do, but think I've done them because I've THOUGHT about doing them, then am so upset with myself when I discover that I really did forget to do them...especially when my forgetfulness impacts on other people. I can't tell you how many emails or letters I've meant to send, then thought I sent, then found out I didn't send! I lie in bed during my insomniac hours, composing letters and emails to people, then come downstairs early the next morning and sit at the computer to write them, but then something happens, the day slips away on me and at the end of the day, I'm lying in bed again realizing that I never did remember to write those letters!

That happens with housework too, but I don't care about housework - those things can always be done another day - but taking care of the people I care about - that's something I always regret forgetting to carry through on.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)