Good afternoon Ladies,
Thanks to all of you who helped me make it through yesterday. I appreciate all the good advice and the hugs(a special thank you for the hugs-I really needed them!) I got a good night's sleep and feel much better today. I just need lots of work and some good things happening, and I can get on with it. I posted today in my blog and I'd love for ya'll to come visit me there if you can. Writing is the best therapy for me, and that's as near as I get to feeling happy these days. Even if you think you're not a writer, I'd suggest journaling as therapy for this time in your life. You may not tell your friends and family exactly what you're thinking and feeling, but tell yourself the truth, be honest and write it down. And if you need help, ask for it.
Thanks again for everything. You gals are the best! And if I can do anything to help ya'll, you only have to ask.