Christina, you write very well and have perfectly expressed my feelings as well as many others. I am always interested in reading and listening to what people have to say because I am always hoping to learn more about this grief process. My husband died quite unexpectedly almost 2 years ago at the age of 49. After about 6 months of numbness I then threw myself wholeheartedly into one project after another and kept up this pace for almost a year. Then it was like I just stopped and all the feelings I had suppressed came rushing back. I began having anxiety attacks and soon after I started looking for help. I tried a counselor, a support group where I was by far the youngest and many books. I finally found another support group that included some younger women who I could relate to. One night there was a prayer service and a guest speaker who was very good. Her name is Dr Ann Kaiser Stearns and if you ever have a chance to hear her you should go. If anyone has any other suggestions, I am open to them.