Hello Ladies,
I do feel a lot less lonely when I hang out here with you gals. If I didn't have to earn a living, I'd be here all the time. LOL I've been working like crazy the last few months. The good part is that I'm doing what I love to do, the bad part is that I'm still not making enough to be totally independent, but I'll get there. I'm feeling stronger these days, strong enough to get started on that book in my head about widowhood. I'm going to call it "The Widowed Year" and it will be a month by month kind of journal of the first year. I have my own experience to draw on of course, but I'd like to include other widows and how they've handled that first year as well. Everyone handles this in their own way and in their own time and I want to show that.

The link to my blog is in my signature, hope you'll come and visit. Feel free to leave comments. I encourage other widows to tell me how they're doing, and I try to answer each one.
Thanks to you all for helping me through this, ya'll are great listeners. Thanks Dotsie for including this new forum.