You hit the nail smack dab on the head with this one. This is exactly what I've been journaling about for the last two years, since I lost my husband, Mel. Some days, it just seems so strange. It often feels as if I'm living someone else's life, and I don't know how to break free and get back to my own. Then I realize for the umpteenth time that this is my new reality, it is my life and I have to do something with it, not waste it. Mel wouldn't want me to waste my life and he'd want me to be happy again, I just don't know how to get there yet. But I'm working on it. I've been writing like crazy, first because I just love doing it, and second because when I'm knee-deep in a project, I'm distracted and actually enjoying the work. That's as near to happy as I can manage for now. I've emailed this page to a new friend who's going through all this too. Thanks for saying it for all of us; it makes me feel less lonely when I'm here on the forum.