Hello this is such a great site to have discovered, but I feel like I am eavesdropping. I work full time, have four teenagers and my Mum comes and does my washing and ironing for me everyday. She used to live with us but we bought her a unit. Mum says that being here for my kids and helping me gives her joy. And I believe her, not just because it suits me, but because I honestly would have no time to relax without her help. And the kids have someone at home in the afternoons. Mind you, she spoils them rotten and there are some downsides, hence her unit, but the upsides outweigh the downsides! I think 'using' our parents to help with the kids is a great way to keep the family unit together and to give our parents a sense of purpose and my mum uses the word usefulness. Mum divorced years ago and has been on her 'own' ever since. She feels secure and happy now. She tells me this is the happiest she has ever been. I often think that combining childcare centers and nursing homes would be a super idea, give the old a purpose and the young exposure to the elderly. And as Sugaree says the elderly have a lot of wisdom to pass down. My eldest is nearly 20 so the empty nest is also looming for me, but i am considering going back to Uni to do a degree in accounting, I reckon I still have a good 20 working years left in me!!
Thankyou for the honour of being part of this chat.