Hello Ladies!

This 'empty nest' has been a rude awakening for me. Suddenly, my house is totally empty of all the chitter chatter of my last one to fly out of the nest and all of the friends and phone calls associated with her. There can be days that I'm home alone and have even wondered that dreadful, 'what if something happens to me?'.

That lead me to thinking about the elderly and how they must feel. They have so much to say is how I've justified my 'selfish gain' as Downdog puts it, LOL. I really wouldn't mind teaching a computer class or something or another at a senior living center. Could benefit both of us...Yeah? Learn how to quilt while listening to some great stories? [Smile]

I have a 97 year old aunt that is very sharp and such a pleasure to talk to. If/when we visit with her (La) she will cook a multi-course meal after picking fresh fruit/veggies from her garden. If we want fish, she puts her gear on and takes us fishing! WOW! All she wants to do is feed food to our bellies and thoughts. She can actually remember my first words and I'm 42!