I think we should be the age we feel. I have a friend who is 20 years older than me and old enough to be my mother. I have more fun and more in common with her than any other friend I can think of. She told me today that she feels my age......and if I didn't know better, I would think she was, too! She has a positive and upbeat attitude towards life, although it hasn't been an easy one - that keeps one young.

My 4 yr old grandson asked me if his dad was my dad too. LOL LOL I know he doesn't think I'm old!

Seriously, I don't feel obligated to dress, act or be any certain age, except what I feel inside. Now, I'm not going to dress like Paris Hilton or anything, but I do keep up with the current styles, politics, current events, etc. -as long as it's me.

Be who YOU think you are..........
