Well, I need to tell someone this, I've been walking around using the "happy face' for a couple or hours now and I sure don't feel that way. My youngest,as I've said before is graduating from high school in a few days, then is going to boot camp for the Air Natl Guard Reserves. I assumed she would come home for at LEAST a couple of weeks before Air Guard tech school, but just found out that she will fly straight from there to her training, and will be gone for 6 months. And she's so excited. I don't want to bring her down, but I wish she'd act a bit like she'd miss us. It all seems so sudden and real. I asked if we could visit, and she says-"sure but it's only 6 months mom'. My hubby says give her a chance she's too excited to realize that she'll miss us. I feel on the verge of another big crying fit and I hate it when I do that, I look like and feel like crap the next day!

You are right Dotsie, I feel like I've been forced into early retirement-where's my retirement package?! I want one filled with a bazillon hugs, a few IOU's for visits, a couple of I'll miss you's, 1- you were a great mom. Maybe I should give MY mom one of these, huh?!