Hi, Debshines: You seeking to retire outside Australia? Come to England! The social structure is more or less the same so adjusting would be a breeze. The British husband decided to settle the family in the UK from the US 16 years ago and though the medium is English, the culture and lifestyle...different kettle of fish. Moved here when Sunday trading was not the norm. Took some time to get the hang of things and enjoyed shopping for bread at the bakers, meat at the butchers, veg at the greengrocers, fish at the fishmongers etc. It is, however, starting to develop much like in US cities where small village traders are being forced out in favour of supermarkets. Nevertheless, all is still beautiful. My youngest sister who was born in NY was brought up in Canberra but now lives in Perth. Brother-in-law is in Melbourne, another in Sydney. So, you can balance the scale and move up here from down there.

It's a lovely idea to have pockets of places where BWS folks can check into when they go trotting around the globe as you've suggested. I'd throw in my lot and be a happy innkeeper as soon as BWS gets around to organising things of the sort.