Flipperjo, Larry Jones is really quite a wonderful person and I believe his charity has been determined to spend less on administration and more on the recipients than about any other.

He is from farm country (possibly a farm family) so he understands farm issues. Feed the Children resulted from his observations of the heartbreak of farming juxtaposed with the tragedy of starvation.

Sandpiper, I think any of us could be wiped out by a major illness. Even with insurance, illness can be financially devastating. Health care is so far over priced, but we are all so dependent. Even a relatively minor surgery can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands.

Of course retirement without health would not be worthwhile.

I wish there was a solution, but I've not seen one yet. It seems the more the government gets involved, the worse it gets.


[ February 24, 2006, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]