Hi everyone,

I hope you don't mind me poking my head in here and putting in my two cents.

Many, many people are facing the question about finances after retirement.

Newsweek (oct 2003) stated that 50% of the working population will be involved in a home-based business of some sort by the end of 2005.

These people are looking for tax advantages, a flexible schedule, and money for retirement.

It is NOT too late for you to be able to build a nest egg for retirement.

Network marketing is the home-based business model that is projected to be the "wave of the future".

This means of having a "personal franchise" is being encouraged by such rich men as Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad). Here are some comments that are on the back of his book about NWM (The Business School for People who Like Helping People)

Robert explains that building a network marketing business..

..is a revolutionary way to acheive wealth.
..makes it possible for anyone to acquire great wealth.
..is open to anyone who has drive, determination, and perseverance.

"Because I did not gain my fortune from building a network marketing business, I can be a bit more objective about the industry. This book describes what I see are the real values of a network marketing business - values that go beyond just the potential of making a lot of money. I finally found a business with a heart." Robert Kiyosaki

It does not have the stigma of the past.....and in 5 years, most people can build a pretty strong income. A PIG income (Perputal Income Generator) (money continues to grow)

Just food for thought. I believe in the industry with every ounce of my being. I have seen 6 friends personally grow businesses that would blow your mind. They will not have to worry about retirement.

If any of you are interested in finding out more -I would be happy to suggest some books and websites.

There ARE options out there - just wanted to share one with you.
