I am told that my skin is excellent by so many people. I think that it is a bit genetic and much to do with how I have cared for it.
I stayed out of the sun and I stay out of the sun. I wash make up off when I get home, period. Never fail and have never slept in make up. I use the best products I can afford for my skin, even when I was a "starving dancer," for that min. or two! I think. like many Euro women, that skin care is a must.

I think that Lancome makes the best make up remover and a bottle will last your whole life if you can remember where it is all the time! Seriously, I've worked on one bottle of Lancome make up remover for over 5 years! I wear mascara most days and I remove it with that product. I wear Lancome mascara because I think it is the best. I wear, as I said, the best I can afford on my skin, and I test products when new ones come out, it's too much fun!
I advise those who ask me about my skin to do many things to better their skin, and to clean your face is one.

I know all the articles that say that one make up product is the same as the others but it simply is not true. Whether it's how the ingredients are used or what they are, there are better and worse cosmetics!

Colors, for example are better from the better lines. They are rich, different and true. I know, for example,that I cannot go wrong with a color from Chanel!

An example is that there is a place on my chest that I took big burns from the sun when I was young from playing tennis. It is aging faster by far than my face and the rest of my neck! It's a matter of how you care for it.

My husband who is the son of a woman who had a breast job and three face lifts tells me that it's the way I take care of my skin. I think he's right. I had to, it was my job and still is since I have booked more gigs!

So, have fun Humlan and treat your face as you would yourself, with gentle hands, and caring action! And, well, have fun!


"Question your privilege"