Hi struggling2-thanks for sharing this and thankyou for your prayer. It is confronting to decide to try to keep in the relationship when all your beliefs have been compromised.
Chatty, yeah, I think that what I am looking for here is a chance to voice things with others and to understand myself. I feel that I am insecure but I dont have any problems with selfesteem - can you have good self esteem but also know you are insecure??
I have been looking into the future, for myself, for him and for our families which is one of the reasons I am still in the relationship. For me, there are a lot of upsides which outweigh the downsides. But you are right that Alzheimers does not seem to kick in at the right moments - I would like selective memory loss - only joking...or am I? Thanks though, you have given me food for thought. I am going to do a little blogging later as reviewing entries also helps me maintain direction.
Struggling2, do you have a site where you have detailed your experiences or may I ask, what happened to separate twice and what happened to bring you both back together? I hope this is not prying and I apologise if asking these questions is not the done thing to do on the forums.