I tend to agree with the ladies here, who mention the shorter skirt length. I like them, not minis by any means, but, I've shoved the skirt hangar dripping ankle length skirts to the end of the closet rack. I'm finding those long skirts just don't quite look the way they used to look, on me. (Yikes! Right now, I can hear the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz...'I'm shrinking! I'm shrinking! [Wink] ) I really like the look of a just above the knee, or knee-length skirt now.

I like capris, and I wear shorts, and have worn walking shorts, ones that come close to, or just to my knee, since I turned thirty. I always thought of that length as more acceptable, for me, for wearing out in public. Ones that are any shorter, well, I reserve those for around the house wearing.
