ladybug, right with you, girl on this statement!-
'My definition of "looking good" is this: when you look in the mirror at yourself, you are satisfied with the image there. That's all that counts'.

We know very well, how we wish to look, in our clothes. I'm sure, we've all made fashion adjustments, as we've matured. But, haven't we always made adjustments, through every phase of our maturing, body-changing lives?

I've been around for fifty-four years. That's fifty-four years of our mother earth's good old gravity having its way with me. Slowly, so subtly we don't realize it's taking place, until we begin to really notice the accumulative effects, probably in our forties, early fifties. I weigh today what I weighed in my twenties, I have always exercised regularly, but, girls, if my twenty-something self showed up, and stood beside my fifty-four year old self, the visible difference in our bodies would be extremely obvious!

The fifty-four year old me at 123 pounds trotting around in a spandex crop top, and low-rise jeans? Nah! That look is one the twenty-something me at 123 pounds could have pulled off, before gravity took its toll, and a look which, if I stood before my miror while sporting it today, I'd need be blind, not to notice it was doing nothing for me now.

The big-earlobe thing, in our elder years...well, maybe that's a matter of heredity, as opposed to wearing earrings. I've been wearing earrings of all sizes for almost twenty-five years now, and my lobes haven't started waving in the breeze yet.

Nancy50, Chattylady, add me to the 'bare-footin' crew! As for the feetsies changing as we mature, well, I've read that our feet tend to flatten , and spread out a bit with age. This is also the time when many women find the little pads wearing out, that once protected the pressure points, on the bottoms of our feet.