Your post doesn't offend me in the least Mrs Maddness. What you are pretending to be in your stiletto/suede/bejeweled knee high boots is your biz...and if it makes you feel like the woman you want to be, then I say GO FOR IT!

I, on the other hand, happen to like and FEEL GOOD in drawstring pants from COLD WATER and other places. I like loose fitting clothing, and I like, sometimes, baggy pants and oversized shirts. I'm NOT hiding from anything.

I like ME, and so I don't have to hide or PRETEND to be something I'm not. I like the person I am.

Where you may think this type of clothing is tacky, I think it looks relaxing and neat. Very neat. Not showy...

I guess it goes back to the old saying, Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Wouldn't it awful if we all thought the same way, dressed the same way, talked the same way? I say wear your heels! Strut! I'll strut too, just in flipflops and drawstrings!

We are women, hear us roar!