All right, I guess I'm different in more ways than one. I couldn't resist this post when I saw it because I buy all of my clothes (except for underwear) at used clothing stores. I love wearing all kinds of things: beautiful, fun, wild, comfortable, etc. And I find all of that at consignment shops and vintage and used places. I'm definitely a recycler and it just thrills me to find something really wonderful for a tiny fraction of what I would have to pay for it in a regular store. We've always been on a pretty tight budget and my daughter and I both have great wardrobes mostly from the same sources. A couple of years ago for her birthday we went to tea, dinner and a concert all of which we had to be very well dressed for. We spent the morning of that birthday outfitting her, me, her father and brother at the local Goodwill store and I have to say, we all looked pretty spiffy.

Dream of the Circle of Women
by Dahti Blanchard
published by Spilled Candy Books