There is so much child abuse in our country. I wonder if it is drug related.

There has been a child in the news here whose mother's boyfriend (believed to be a drug user) repeatedly abused her. The mother is a beautiful young woman. Why did she allow that. What is wrong with her?

The child's birth father was away fighting in Iraq, but when on leave he and his mother tried to get custody. But our Child Welfare Dept. bungled the case and a judge denied him custody. Instead the judge repeatedly sent the child back to the abusive home. She eventually died of abuse.

Videos of her injured and in leg casts bravely smiling through her injuries have been all over the news. She was a beautiful child. The step father is being held without bail and they indicted the mother last week.

It is heart breaking. Her name was Kelsey.


[ March 07, 2006, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]