It's sad but the victim has to bear the burden of proof and often can't but let me explain why. Many, many times, there will be a rebel who wants to get even with one of the parents and report abuse where there isn't any. Many times a parent has been arrested and charged, only to find out there was never any abuse. The teenager was just angry.

On the other side, CPS will be called in and the child will be removed from the home and placed in a foster home. And a lot of times the authorities decide, hey, she's won't be that long until she can leave on her own. These people decide what a child's life is going to be like, sadly.

Remember me telling you about that abused baby my daughter was caring for in the hospital? They released him to his grandmother, which will probably give the abusers access to him. So far, CPS has done nothing. I think they are so overwhelmed and not enough social workers so that said, they probably decided a slap across the face was nothing.

It's a sad world.