Maritz, that's true. I am concerned and have thought for years that a better answer to nursing "homes" would be large homes that are acquired by the elderly themselves, group homes where three people or couples or more live together, share expenses, chores, or maybe they can afford to hire a housekeeper, lawn guy, grocery shopper, etc.

They each have their separate quarters but share common rooms. They help each other out and if a visiting nurse is needed or transportation, that could be arranged also.

A facilitator would visit one or more of the homes twice a week. They would have a dog or cat, and attend bingo, golf, vacation trips, but all planned within their own small group.

Also, I guess poverty can be a blessing in disguise..... [Smile] No one is going to fight over MY huge fortune. I don't even have a retirement retirement is to work until I drop dead on the job or bond slave to a wealthy family like my grandmother did. She worked for the wealthiest woman in the US until she couldn't work any longer. The lady gave her a nice room, a car, salary, took trips with her, and my grandmother was her cook and companion.