I was a manager at the convience store....we had gas pumps that you had to watch closely for drive offs.
While, looking out I spot a girl, pumping gas and a man on the passenger side, he jumps out of the car and starts yelling at her.
She had paid with a credit card and didn't need to come into the store.
So I glance back again...after she gets into the car...he is beating her with his fists.
I get on the loud speaker on the gas islands, and
tell him to quit hitting her that the police have been called. By then everyone pumping gas is looking...and doing nothing. (18 pumps in all).
Yell to the girl in the deli, to call the police, called two guys in the walk-in to come out.
We run outside...I open the driver's door pull her out while the guys are distracting him.
He ended up moving to the driver's seat, and driving off. She waited inside until the police showed up.
He was pulled over...not sure if she pressed charges or not.
I watched my mom be beat for years...
If, my daughter was being abused like that...I would want someone to help her.
I know the dangers, I can't stand by and watch someone be beat.