We've always put doctors in a lofty position. They can save lives, they can heal the sick. No wonder they have God complexes!

They can look down their nose at a battered woman and send her home without asking any questions that might change the direction of their lives.

My doctor in Ohio was fun and interesting but he was a jerk in some ways. One time he told me I was a rescuer because I was trying to help battered women. I just gave him a long, cold stare and said, "Well, what does that make you? You're trying to save people too and haven't you sent some of your patients to see me for help?" He could see something as he wanted to see it. He was the Great Healer and I was a rescuer.

Like you, I could go on and on about doctors and the judicial system and how they further abuse a victim. We just take it one step at a time and try to educate those who don't have a clue.