Thanks for the help everyone!!!
This person has been my friend since I was 17--so it's rather hard dealing with it all.
I will continue to try and reach out to her--I think the emotions are still very raw to both of us.
I get selfish at times--I need my friend right now in dealing with my life & she's not there.
I get mad at her for not allowing me into her world as she's living it right now.
We both need one another & are backing off into our own little corners.

I can understand how there are some woman who aren't strong enough to tell a man where he can go--that they are a product of their enviorment...
but my friend was a very strong person. She had friends & family all around her who cared, and would do anything for her. How she got to such a place inside where she allowed a man to treat her the way he did....makes me both mad and sad.