Your words are meaningful to me.Eileen Caddy (who died recently) wrote many things and by coincidence the weekly mesage from Findhorn this week is

What a Privilege It Is To Be Where You

Your outlook and your consciousness make or mar your lives. How does
life look to you? Wake up and behold My wonders and glories all around
you and see the very best in your fellow-men. Realize what a privilege it
is to be where you are, doing what you are doing. It may appear to be
a very ordinary, mundane job that you feel anyone could do, yet you, at
this present moment of time, have been placed in the position so that
you can do it. Therefore do it in purest love and to My honour and
glory. Transmute what you are doing into a higher realm and see the very
best come out of it.
Just popped in to say I am home again....
Mountain ash